Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU Program
    MUR PNRR    PNRR Italia Domani

5 - New Therapeutic Strategies
New Therapeutic Strategies

RESEARCH NODE 5: New Therapeutic Strategies - LED BY (Spoke): CNR

Research node 5 of the INF-ACT PE will develop new therapeutic strategies against emerging infectious diseases through an integrated approach combining a wide portfolio of expertise in antiviral and antimicrobial drugdiscovery from academic and non-academic environments. We will act horizontally, providing data, tools, and expertise to the vertical research nodes (1, 2, 3), while at the same time exploiting data, tools and results coming from the other research nodes to feed our own research activities. This high level of interconnection will speed up the drug development process, making it feasible to develop drug candidates ready for clinical evaluation within the first three years of the project. Research node 5 will pursue a wide-angle approach, investigating new therapeutic interventions at all levels of the host-pathogen interface. 5 WPs, with a significant critical mass of PIs belonging to 18 top scientific Italian institutions were selected on the basis of their scientific excellence to cover specifically required skills to carry successfully on the project and achieve the ambitious goals of research node 5.

Partner institutions involved: UNISI - UNIPV - UNICA - UNIPD - UNISAP - UNIMI - UNINA - UNIBO - UNICT - UNIBA - UNITO - ISS - AIZS - IRFMN - UCSC - UniSR - IRBM

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INF-ACT is a Participated Foundation (Fondazione di Partecipazione)
Codice Fiscale 96084470184 - Partiva IVA 02894510185
Address: Corso Strada Nuova, 65 - 27100 Pavia (Italy)
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The INF-ACT Foundation is the Hub of the a project funded under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP), Mission 4 Component 2 Investment 1.3 - Call for tender No. 341 of 15 March 2022 of Italian Ministry of University and Research funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU; Project code PE00000007, Concession Decree No. 1554 of 11 October 2022 adopted by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, Project title "One Health Basic and Translational Actions Addressing Unmet Needs on Emerging Infectious Diseases (INF-ACT)".

Funded by the European Union - NextGenerationEU Program
    MUR PNRR    PNRR Italia Domani

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